Employee Helps Safety Instructor

Employee Helps Safety Instructor

In June, a group of Prairie State employees attended Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS) training at the TEKSOLV/American Allied Safety Council (AASC) facility in Collinsville.  As part of her classwork, behavior based safety and training specialist Kimberly Walster presented on the Signs of Stroke and actions to take in the event of a stroke. Following her presentation, one of the… More
2018 VPPPA Conference

2018 VPPPA Conference

Last week, employees from Prairie State’s power plant attended the National VPPPA (Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association) conference in Nashville, TN. Throughout the week, our employees attended workshops, meetings, and exhibits focused on integrated safety and health management systems. Paul Tesdall, Power Plant Shift Supervisor, presented at the conference on Prairie Sta… More
Employee Appreciation Day at the Ballpark

Employee Appreciation Day at the Ballpark

On Saturday, August 18, Prairie State hosted its annual Employee Appreciation Day. This year’s event took place at Busch Stadium, where employees from across the campus gathered to cheer on the St. Louis Cardinals as they took on the Milwaukee Brewers. Employee appreciation day is just one way Prairie State celebrates one of its core values—teamwork. Thank you to all employees who joined us! More
Prairie State Mine Receives Award

Prairie State Mine Receives Award

Following yesterday’s Illinois State Mine Rescue Competition, Prairie State’s Lively Grove Mine received an award for the for having the lowest incident rate for a Division I mine in the state of Illinois. The award was issued by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mines and Minerals for safety performance from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Coal mines in Illinois a… More
Prairie State Celebrates Diversity and Inclusion Week

Prairie State Celebrates Diversity and Inclusion Week

The week of July 9-13, Prairie State employees will celebrate Diversity and Inclusion week.  Employees will have the opportunity to learn about cultures from around the world.  This week will concentrate on how diversity and inclusion benefit teamwork, which is one of Prairie State’s key values. All employees will receive daily communication this week.  Each day will have a different theme… More