Contact Human Resources
If you’re looking for more information on how you can start your career with Prairie State, please visit our careers page to learn more and browse available positions. If you’ve already had an interview and you’re curious about your status or the next steps, please direct your question to the specific HR representative with whom you interviewed.
But if you have a general human resources concern, including employment verification, please call 618-824-7555 or email Your questions are important to us, and we’ll respond as soon as we can.
Media Inquiries
If you’re a member of the media and you’d like to learn more about our campus, our community involvement, or anything else about Prairie State, please contact Alyssa Harre, Vice President of External Affairs and Organizational Strategy, at
Contribution and Sponsorship Requests
If you have a contribution or sponsorship request, please contact Alyssa Lohmann Kreger, Sr. Public Relations Coordinator, at Please visit our contributions and sponsorships page for information on how to apply.