Prairie State Hosts Employee Golf Outing

Prairie State Hosts Employee Golf Outing

On Saturday, June 30th, Prairie State hosted its 5th Annual Employee Golf Outing and Scholarship Fundraiser at the Roland Barkau Memorial Golf Course.  Employees enjoyed an afternoon of golf, and raised $5,000 for Prairie State’s Scholarship Program.  During the day, raffle tickets were also sold to benefit the CHOW (Combating Hunger On Weekends) Program, with the winners receiving one of t… More
Prairie State Hosts Summer Blood Drive

Prairie State Hosts Summer Blood Drive

On June 18th, Prairie State hosted the first summer blood drive at the mine, with an additional drive held at the power plant on June 26th.  These life-saving events help employees give back to our community.  Over 25% of Prairie State employees regularly donate blood; this is three times greater than the national percentage of eligible Americans who donate. Thanks to all who volunteered or d… More
Prairie State Competes in Mine Rescue and Skills Competition

Prairie State Competes in Mine Rescue and Skills Competition

On June 12, Prairie State’s Mine Rescue team competed in the seventh annual Mine Rescue and Skills Competition at Southeastern Illinois College (SIC).  This competition put their rescue skills to the test, allowing them to practice for disaster reaction in a safe environment.  Prairie State’s team took home a second place trophy.  Read more about the competition at SIC’s website. G… More
Plant Safety Committee Elects New Leadership

Plant Safety Committee Elects New Leadership

Prairie State’s Power Plant Safety Committee recently elected new leadership.  Pictured are:  Nick Bound- Recorder, Jemal Warren- Chair, and Jason Vahle- Vice Chair.  The Plant Safety Committee helps ensure that Prairie State’s number one value, safety, is always a priority for employees. More
Prairie State Employees Certified in Safety

Prairie State Employees Certified in Safety

After a week of training, 16 Prairie State employees became Certified Occupational Safety Specialists.  This training program taught them how to recognize, reduce, and handle hazards, thereby improving the safety of the work environment. Great job, Prairie State employees! More