Intern Check In: Carmen Keller

Legal intern Carmen Keller described her summer as a busy one. She’s attended depositions regarding active cases that Prairie State is affiliated with, worked to help prepare for November’s ethics and compliance week and researched Federal Aviation Administration regulations regarding unmanned aircraft. Her experience at Prairie State this summer has taught her about working in… More

Intern check-in: Linda Lee

Power Plant safety intern, Linda Lee, has spent the majority of her summer working on a big project that could help keep employees at Prairie State safer for years to come. Lee has been working on an emergency action plan in the event of a chemical spill to provide guidelines of how to approach and handle a spill in a safe manner. To do so, she has gathered information on where all of the c… More

Intern check-in: Hannah Dhom

Prairie State Generating Company’s environmental intern, Hannah Dhom, has spent her summer making sure that PSGC remains compliant in its new and continuing projects around the campus. Dhom’s summer has been busy and hands on. From ground water sampling to overseeing the construction of cell four with the coal combustion residuals group at the Near Field Site she has gone through a dive… More

Meet the Interns: Andrew Williams

Prairie State Generating Company is excited to welcome Andrew Williams as an information technology intern for the summer of 2017. Williams, a senior at Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville, joined the Prairie State team later than the other interns, but is already contributing to the Prairie State team by helping with software installation and reconfiguring work stations. He h… More

Meet the Interns: Alex Deitrich

Prairie State Generating Company is excited to welcome Alex Dietrich as a mining intern for the summer of 2017. Dietrich, who is from Marissa, is a junior at Missouri S&T with his fellow intern Meena Lahiri. Dietrich’s experience at PSGC has been a little different from the other four mining interns. He has spent the majority of his time on the surface working with the mine’… More