2024 PSGC Scholarship Recipients

2024 PSGC Scholarship Recipients

On Wednesday, July 24, Prairie State Generating Company (PSGC) awarded nine students with $1,000 scholarships through the annual PSGC Scholarship Program. The PSGC Scholarship Program has awarded $61,000 in scholarships since its inception in 2015, with the goal of encouraging employees’ children and grandchildren to pursue their career goals through higher education. All applicants are an… More
2023 PSGC Scholarship Recipients

2023 PSGC Scholarship Recipients

On August 2, Prairie State Generating Company (PSGC) awarded seven students with $1,000 scholarships through the annual PSGC Scholarship Program. The PSGC Scholarship Program has awarded $52,000 in scholarships since its inception in 2015, with the goal of encouraging employees’ children and grandchildren to pursue their career goals through higher education. All applicants are anonymously… More
PSGC Holiday Drive A Success

PSGC Holiday Drive A Success

For the past 15 years, Prairie State Generating Company (PSGC) employees have brightened the holiday season for children in need through their annual Holiday Drive. Employees from across the mine, power plant, and corporate office select ornaments from angel trees and fulfill children’s toy and clothing requests. The 2022 PSGC Holiday Drive supported 183 children through seven organiz… More
2021 Scholarship Recipients

2021 Scholarship Recipients

Pictured above, left to right: Abby Vollmar, Lucy Sheeley, Caroline Slade, Chloe Smith, AnnaLee Keller Last week, Prairie State Generating Company (PSGC) awarded five $1,000 scholarships to children of PSGC employees through its annual scholarship program. The recipients were AnnaLee Keller, Lucy Sheeley, Caroline Slade, Chloe Smith, and Abby Vollmar. The five were chosen from a field of app… More
PSGC Employees Provide Life-Saving Donations

PSGC Employees Provide Life-Saving Donations

At the end of February, Prairie State Generating Company (PSGC) held their first blood drives of the year at the mine and power plant, where 63 units of blood were donated. These drives occur quarterly on campus. Looking back to 2020, PSGC employees donated a total of 244 units of blood, saving up to 732 lives. While the pandemic has certainly led to a shortage of nationwide blood donations, o… More