PSGC Employees Provide Life-Saving Donations

PSGC Employees Provide Life-Saving Donations

At the end of February, Prairie State Generating Company (PSGC) held their first blood drives of the year at the mine and power plant, where 63 units of blood were donated. These drives occur quarterly on campus. Looking back to 2020, PSGC employees donated a total of 244 units of blood, saving up to 732 lives. While the pandemic has certainly led to a shortage of nationwide blood donations, o… More

The Importance of the Nation’s Coal Fleet

As we continue moving forward in the energy industry, it is important to remember the value of baseload power. The video linked here, created by America’s Power and featuring Don Gaston, President & CEO of Prairie State, emphasizes the importance of a technology-based approach to addressing emissions from the electric sector. More
2020 PSGC Scholarship Program

2020 PSGC Scholarship Program

In July, Prairie State Generating Company (PSGC) awarded four $1,000 scholarships to children of PSGC employees through its annual scholarship program. The recipients were Maddie Burgess, Dylan Hill, Isaac Smith, and Danielle Wallace. The four were chosen from a field of applicants based on their academic achievements, leadership skills, work ethic, community service, and extracurricular a… More
International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Today, we recognize the social, cultural, economic, and political achievements of women across the globe. To celebrate, employees at Prairie State’s corporate office are hosting a professional clothing drive to benefit Dress for Success, a not-for-profit organization that encourages women to achieve economic independence. More
Souper Bowl VII Victory

Souper Bowl VII Victory

Our 2020 Souper Bowl VII food drive filled 8 vehicles with donations to the Marissa Food Pantry and Okawville CHOW (Combating Hunger On Weekends) Program. We are proud to share that many of the employees on the winning teams have decided to donate their prize back to the Marissa Food Pantry. Thanks to these selfless acts, the food pantry will receive a donation of more than one thousand dollars… More