Understanding Safety with the BLOC Program

Part of our commitment to CORESafety includes continuous training in behavior-based safety. Because of this, the mine hosts regular training sessions for employees.

Last year, Dr. Lori Guasta held a Behavior, Leadership, and Organizational Culture (BLOC) training session at the Lively Grove Mine, where 53 employees were invited to participate. Dr. Guasta, who developed the BLOC program, is a researcher and instructor at Predictive Safety; she has experience in organizational behavior, culture, and safety leadership.

The BLOC Program focuses on four major topic areas:

  • Behavior Profiling
  • Leadership Development and Visibility
  • Organizational Strategies for Safety
  • Creating a Positive Safety Culture

At this training session, Dr. Guasta conducted a modified Myers-Briggs personality test, which team leaders found advantageous for tailoring communication styles.

“By understanding both their own and team members’ strengths, communication approach, and stress inducers, we can interact in a positive and productive manner,” said Kim Walster, Behavior Based Safety and Training Specialist

Each year, CORESafety builds on previous trainings. In 2020 the mine will conduct training that incorporates generational differences, personality test results, and communication styles in conjunction with Reality-Based Leadership training.

These positive and productive interactions contribute to the overall safety of our mine, and we are thankful for the efforts of those involved.