Understanding Safety with the BLOC Program

Understanding Safety with the BLOC Program

Part of our commitment to CORESafety includes continuous training in behavior-based safety. Because of this, the mine hosts regular training sessions for employees. Last year, Dr. Lori Guasta held a Behavior, Leadership, and Organizational Culture (BLOC) training session at the Lively Grove Mine, where 53 employees were invited to participate. Dr. Guasta, who developed the BLOC program, is a re… More
Understanding Safety to Improve Behavior

Understanding Safety to Improve Behavior

At the power plant, the Safety Through Observation, Reliability, and Mindset (STORM) Committee uses behavioral cues to improve our safety culture. Established in 2017, the mission of the STORM Committee is to reduce the number and severity of injuries at Prairie State. “Our intent is to empower a safety-conscious workforce by using confidentiality, observation, feedback, education, and coachi… More