Prairie State is pleased to welcome Tess Bauman as one of our Records and Information Management Interns this summer.
Tess is from Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. She is a marketing major at the University of Central Missouri (UCM), where she is in the middle of her senior year. At UCM, Tess is a member of the Alpha Phi sorority and the Panhellenic Executive Board, of which she is Vice President of Recruitment. She is also a member of Phi Beta Lambda, Rho Lambda, and Order of Omega.
At UCM, Tess works as an office assistant. In the past, she was an administrative assistant at her local Chamber of Commerce and a marketing intern for the Blaine Whitworth Foundation.
Prior to this internship, Tess knew many Prairie State employees and had heard good things about the company. After a referral by the human resources department, she spoke with Helen Gallagher, Prairie State’s General Counsel. Tess thought her skills would be useful to the Information Governance program.
She is looking forward to expanding her knowledge this summer. “While I am going to school for marketing, this internship will help me learn about different areas in the organization.” Part of her duties include interviewing people from various departments to gather information for the program.
Following this internship, Tess will return to UCM for one semester, graduate, and find a job. Her plan is to begin working full-time in 2020. Tess would like for her future career to be in digital marketing, and she would prefer to stay in the St. Louis area while she is getting her feet on the ground.