Facilities Intern, Trent Marhanka, has spent his summer working on projects from pouring concrete to maintaining company vehicles.
Trent has worked on all different kinds of projects this summer. Every day would bring something new. The first big job was pouring concrete at the mine’s northern access point, and they have completed this task. He has also worked on company vehicles. Whenever a vac truck needs to be cleaned out, facilities is called in. Normally, these jobs only take about a day.
From this internship, Trent has learned, “Quality over quantity,” and to, “Always look on the bright side of things.” He has enjoyed the everyday banter with the other facilities guys.
Trent’s plans have changed since he started this internship. He is now looking into the IT program at Ranken for next semester. Since he has taken other classes at Ranken, he believes that he’ll only have a year of schooling before he can graduate and find a job.