Mine Warehouse Intern, Blake Maes, has spent his summer issuing inventory to miners and receiving inventory from vendors.
In addition to issuing and receiving inventory, Blake also tags and puts away the inventory after it has been received. He has been working on taking photos of the inventory and uploading these to Maximo. This will help employees recognize what piece of inventory is being described in the system. Another project Blake completed was filing all purchase orders from 2022 and year-to-date 2023. Blake has been working on getting forklift certified, and he expects to complete this by the end of the summer.
In addition to learning a lot about the supply chain, Blake has also learned about the innerworkings of the Prairie State mine warehouse. He says, “I have enjoyed the people I work with. I also enjoy the work, as it is entertaining and easy to understand.”
Blake plans to use this experience to further his knowledge in the marketing field. He will use this next year at school to determine his plans for next summer.