Mine Engineering Intern, Bo Bryan, has spent his summer shadowing and assisting different departments in their daily tasks.
Bo has also worked on a time study on roof bolter bit speed and durability with the other intern. Data recording is flowing smoothly, and he expects to complete this project on time. In his brief time at Prairie State, he has learned how to assemble excel sheets for time studies, more about the basics of ventilation and controlling air flow, how to troubleshoot and fix problems on heavy equipment, and that he should expect the unexpected in daily mine operations.
Bo has enjoyed learning from every department and doing something new and interesting every day. He says, “My favorite part is being able to meet so many new people and hear great stories from people who have been in the industry for many years.”
This internship has given Bo a better understanding of mining engineering, along with duties and responsibilities of people working in a coal mine. His plans remain unchanged; Bo will continue his path toward becoming a mining engineer. Thanks to this internship, he now has a better understanding of the possibilities available to him.