PSGC coal, as indicated by the comparison of two of the primary criteria compounds monitored in air permits, is environmentally responsible. PSGC’s 2011-2012 SO2 and NOx findings already meet projected CSAPR regulations set for 2014.

Measured in pounds per million Btu. Findings based on EPA’s Clean Air Markets database, July 2011; Project Permits, FutureGen Environmental Impact Study, November 2007


The expected reduction in SO2 and NOx in the next three years. In the last 40 years, these numbers have decreased by 80%.



PSGC will create over 500 new, permanent jobs in Washington County, Illinois by 2013. PSGC total and plant staffing remains below the industry average.

In 2012, Prairie State Generating Company employed 432 full-time staff members. The chart above represents the breakdown of mine, power plant, corporate and construction management positions that make up our staff.

Projections for 2012 targeted mine productivity at 2.65 tons per man-hour; Lively Grove Mine workers met this goal.


The chart above displays price per MMBtu of gas vs. coal for electricity generation. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects natural gas prices to increase by 31% between 2010 and 2030. Based on EIA’s projections, coal is expected to cost a fraction of the price of natural gas for the foreseeable future. By owning its own coal reserve, PSGC is able to keep costs down.

PSGC cost / MMBtu includes mine debt service costs. Other data obtained from American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.