
With a Lost Work Day Injury Frequency rate of .29, Lively Grove Mine ranks significantly below the industry average of 4.22 for 2012.


2012 resulted in an All Injury Rate of 4.34, on par with the industry average for the year of 5.75.


Lively Grove miners recorded 691,127 man-hours in 2012. Since the inception of the PSGC, 1,597,811 man-hours have been recorded.


With a Lost Work Day Injury Frequency rate of .56, the PSGC power plant ranks below the industry average of 1.0 for 2012.


2012 resulted in a Total Recordable Injury Frequency rate of 1.67, significantly below the industry average for the year of 3.5.


Power plant employees recorded 358,492 man-hours in 2012. Since the inception of the PSGC, 779,964 man- hours have been recorded.


With a Lost Work Day Injury Frequency rate of .16, from inception to date, PSGC power plant construction ranks below the industry aver- age of 1.5.


With a Total Recordable Injury Frequency rate of 1.45, from inception to date during power plant construction, PSGC is significantly below the industry average of 3.9.


During the construction of the power plant from inception to date, 23,647,599 man-hours have been recorded.



  Units $ / Mwh 30-Yr.NPV ($M)
40’ Cuts $0.51 / ton ($0.28) $53.5
Net Mw Improvement 24 Mw1 ($0.05) $67.7 - $116.42
Heat Rate 110 Btu / Kwh1 ($0.11) $22.2
CCR - Near field $17.5 M annual savings3 ($0.15) $275 million3
Coal Reserve
Purchase Value = 1,750 acres x $3k/acre = $5.25M
Market Based Value = $0.77 / mmbtu savings or $181M4
Value of placing CCR at Near field prior to 1/1/13 = $2,294,561
Value of using bottom ash for drainage layer = $1,023,650

1Assumes U2 performance is same as that achieved by U1. 2Range based on estimated market forwards excluding and including CO2 pricing. 3Represents transportation cost savings. 4PSGC cost / MMBtu includes mine debt service cost.